The Problem

We lack confidence
that our gifts are stewarded well.

Many Christians are discouraged from giving because they don't know exactly how it's being used.

We don't know which
ministries to give to.

Spending time researching reputable ministries is tedious, but it's critical to have a full understanding of the cause you're supporting.

There is a lack of visibility for measuring
Kingdom impact.

It can be nearly impossible to track your donation down to the monetary value and how it's impacting recipients.

Our Top Ten List

Who We Are & How You Benefit

ROI Ministry operates similar to a wealth manager who is familiar with the overall market and acts as a custodian of client's income. Like a wealth manager, it's our job to look for great business investment opportunities which provide you with the greatest return on your investment (ROI). 

Wealth managers charge a percentage for directing you to these great opportunities. ROI Ministry, on the other hand, identifies ministries as investment opportunities in which our Board covers all the cost. These ministry investment opportunities offer you a great kingdom-investment opportunity with eternally rewarding ROI. We call this eROI, eternal return on investment those in which moth, rust or market fluctuations can never destroy. 

The National Christian Foundation (NCF) has graciously provided ten giving accounts to ROI Ministry, so we can freely provide this extremely valuable giving tool to you. Because NCF provides you with your tax-deductible receipt, ROI Ministry does not have to charge any handling or advertising fees. This relationship contributes to our unbiased ministry selection approach. 

We dont simply add value to your giving resources. We multiply them through you in ways that matter to God, you, and many others forever!

The Problem

Our Top Ten List

Who We Are & How You Benefit


Click below to view each ministry's purpose and cost per outcome, or download its free Statement of Impact report prepared by third party philanthropic counsel Calvin Edwards and Co. (CEC)

Download any Top Ten Ministry Statement of Impact report!

97%  of worldwide giving is used to minister to Christians

1%  is used to minister to the billions of people who need it most 

The Solution

ROI Ministry delivers confidence in your giving decisions and the impact for your giving dollars. 

Based on impact and effectiveness, we’ve crafted a list of the top ten ministries in the world. We’ve partnered with leading ministry evaluation and auditing organizations to ensure that your gift incurs the greatest possible harvest. This is a completely free, annual resource that promises measurable outcomes per dollars invested.

In fact, we've determined that per $1 invested, our top ten ministries get a 30,000 greater result than the average dollar given today. Our Top Ten List sees the greatest outcomes for evangelism, discipleship, and Christ-focused compassion ministries.

Don't waste time researching global ministries. We've investigated and identified the top ministries worldwide based on their impact and effectiveness. At no extra cost to you and no monetary benefit to us, we connect you to those organizations who make the greatest difference in the world. 

The Solution

The predominantly poor and lost are 300 times more receptive to Jesus Christ as compared to where most Christian giving is utilized today.

You're Making a

Copyright 2019 ROI Ministry

There is a lack of visibility for 
measuring Kingdom impact.

It can be nearly impossible to track your donation down to the monetary value and how it's impacting recipients.

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